GPEP FA2 glycopeptide standard

GPEP FA2 glycopeptide standard

  • Product Code: GPEP-FA2-01
  • Size ≈6 µg

  • £204

The mixture is composed of two glycopeptides which are comprised of either an F(6)A2 glycan or an F(3)A2 glycan attached to the asparagine amino acid of a peptide with the sequence Lysine-Valine-Alanine-Asparagine-Lysine-Threonine (KVANKT).

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Product Specification

The mixture is composed of two glycopeptides which are comprised of either an F(6)A2 glycan or an F(3)A2 glycan attached to the asparagine amino acid of a peptide with the sequence Lysine-Valine-AlanineAsparagine-Lysine-Threonine (KVANKT).

Glycan Purity was determined as approximately 90% by LC-MS

Monoisotopic mass: 2104.9411 [M+H]+

Storage conditions: -20°C